Jonathan Faull

I am an experienced and mission-driven strategic communications practitioner and not-for-profit manager. I use my knowledge of social and economic policy research to promote public interest initiatives, and my experience as a civil society advocate, political staffer, and organizer to drive strategic communications. I am particularly skilled in leveraging storytelling to communicate research findings in the service of social change and messaging to non-expert audiences.

I have a strong record as a highly regarded, creative, and value-adding writer, editor, and managing editor with a keen eye for detail and excellence. As a storyteller, I have delivered a diversity of outputs and initiatives, from helping to craft development economist and PxD co-founder Michael Kremer’s 2019 Nobel Lecture, drafting and placing op-eds in the name of global leaders, to launching and editing organizational blogs

My expertise and ethos draw on experiences spanning work on four continents and professional engagements in civil society, journalism, politics, and the academy. My values have been shaped by my lived experience of Apartheid, South Africa’s transition to democracy, and as an immigrant in the United States. I am very proudly an African and an American citizen and have been privileged to work on various social impact, development, and justice initiatives. 

I hold a Master of Public Policy from Harvard University and degrees in Political Studies, Economics, and Political and Social Theory (Hons.) from the University of Cape Town.