
Opinions my own


The 2020, 2021, and 2023 Annual Reports and all posts on Precision Development's Precision Blog before 1 January 2023 were edited or written by me. Examples of discrete reports I have edited include:

Examples of book-length outputs I have edited for the World Bank include:

Opinion Editorials Placed

Of the opeds below, I assisted in drafting and editing the first and second.

Reporting Clips and Analysis

Africa Confidential: 

Lobbying Nightmare on K Street (an overview of lobbying activities on the part of African governments in Washington)

The renaissance of Rasool (an interview with South Africa's ambassador to the USA)

A World Upside Down (a reflection on the anniversary of the 25th anniversary of the 1987 dock workers' strike in South Africa)

Much ado about all things Africa (Obamas US-Africa summit)

The Morning After the Zuma Before

Institute for Security Studies (Africa) Policy Brief: Analyzing South Africa's 2014 Election Results - PDF